FlyBase Exon Junctions Track Settings
FlyBase RNA-Seq Exon Junctions   (All RNA Seq Tracks)

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Data last updated at UCSC: 2020-08-10


This track shows the exon junction predictions based on RNA-Seq data produced by the modENCODE project and the Baylor College of Medicine - Human Genome Sequencing Center. The exon junction predictions were obtained from the D. melanogaster release 6.13 produced by FlyBase.

The exon junctions are color-coded based on the number of reads supporting the junction:

ColorNumber of reads
> 1000
< 10


Thanks to FlyBase for providing these annotations.


Graveley BR et al. The developmental transcriptome of Drosophila melanogaster. Nature. 2011 Mar 24;471(7339):473-9.

St Pierre SE, Ponting L, Stefancsik R, McQuilton P; FlyBase Consortium. FlyBase 102 — advanced approaches to interrogating FlyBase. Nucleic Acids Res. 2014 Jan;42(Database issue):D780-8