This track shows the best D. ananassae (DanaCAF1)/D. ananassae (DanaRefSeq2)
chain for every part of the D. ananassae genome. It is useful for finding
orthologous regions and for studying genome rearrangement.
Display Conventions and Configuration
In full display mode, the top-level (level 1) chains are the largest,
highest-scoring chains that span this region. In many cases gaps exist in the
top-level chain. When possible, these are filled in by other chains that are
displayed at level 2. The gaps in level 2 chains may be filled by level 3
chains and so forth.
In the graphical display, the boxes represent ungapped alignments; the lines
represent gaps. Click on a box to view detailed information about the chain as
a whole; click on a line to display information about the gap. The detailed
information is useful in determining the cause of the gap or, for lower level
chains, the genomic rearrangement.
Individual items in the display are categorized as one of four types (other than
- Top - the best, longest match. Displayed on level 1.
- Syn - line-ups on the same chromosome as the gap in the level above it.
- Inv - a line-up on the same chromosome as the gap above it, but in the opposite orientation.
- NonSyn - a match to a chromosome different from the gap in the level above.
Chains were derived from NCBI
megablast alignments, using the methods described on the chain tracks
description pages, and sorted with the highest-scoring chains in the genome
ranked first. The program chainNet was then used to place the chains one at a
time, trimming them as necessary to fit into sections not already covered by a
higher-scoring chain. During this process, a natural hierarchy emerged in which
a chain that filled a gap in a higher-scoring chain was placed underneath that
chain. The program netSyntenic was used to fill in information about the
relationship between higher- and lower-level chains, such as whether a
lower-level chain was syntenic or inverted relative to the higher-level chain.
The program netClass was then used to fill in how much of the gaps and chains
contained Ns (sequencing gaps) in one or both species and how much was
filled with transposons inserted before and after the two assemblies diverged.
The chainNet, netSyntenic, and netClass programs were developed at the
University of California Santa Cruz by Jim Kent.
Morgulis A, Coulouris G, Raytselis Y, Madden TL, Agarwala R, Schäffer
AA. Database indexing for
production MegaBLAST searches. Bioinformatics. 2008 Aug
15;24(16):1757-64. doi: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btn322.
Kent WJ, Baertsch R, Hinrichs A, Miller W, Haussler D.
Evolution's cauldron:
duplication, deletion, and rearrangement in the mouse and human
genomes. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2003 Sep 30;100(20):11484-9. doi: