Track Data Hubs

Track data hubs are collections of external tracks that can be added to the UCSC Genome Browser. Click Connect to attach a hub and redirect to the assembly gateway page. Hub tracks will then show up in the hub's own blue bar track group under the browser graphic. For more information, including where to host your track hub, see our User's Guide.

Track Hubs are created and maintained by external sources. UCSC is not responsible for their content.

Display Hub Name Description AssembliesClick to connect and browse directly
EPD Viewer Hub ERROR: Response is missing required header Content-Length: for url Couldn't open Debug Help [+] hg19, hg38, mm9, mm10, danRer7, rheMac8, galGal5, rn6...
JASPAR TFBS TFBS predictions for profiles in the JASPAR CORE collections [+] hg19, hg38, ce10, ce11, ci3, dm6, sacCer3, danRer10...
PhyloCSF Evolutionary protein-coding potential as measured by PhyloCSF [+] hg19, hg38, mm10, mm39, galGal4, galGal6, dm6, ce11...
Polytract Repeats Very Short Tandem Repeats (MNR/DNR/TNR) hg38, mm10, rn6, dm6
Principal Splice Isoforms APPRIS Selects a single CDS variant for each gene as the 'PRINCIPAL' isoform based on the range of protein features. [+] hg38, hg19, mm10, danRer10, rn6, susScr3, panTro4, dm6...
ReMap 2022 Regulatory Atlas ERROR: Couldn't open Debug Help mm10, mm39, hg38, hg19, dm6, araTha1
rfam12_ncRNA ERROR: ftp server error on cmd=[] response=[421 There are too many connected users, please try later. ] ftp server error on cmd=[USER anonymous ] response=[] Couldn't open Debug Help hg38, mm10, ce10, galGal4, ci2, danRer7, dm6, sacCer3
UniBind 2021 permissive Hub ERROR: Couldn't open Debug Help [+] hg38, mm10, ce11, dm6, danRer11, spo2, sacCer3, rn6...
UniBind 2021 Robust Hub ERROR: Couldn't open Debug Help [+] hg38, mm10, ce11, dm6, danRer11, sacCer3, rn6, araTha1...
EPD Viewer Hub ERROR: Response is missing required header Content-Length: for url Couldn't open Debug Help [+] hg19, hg38, mm9, mm10, danRer7, rheMac8, galGal5, rn6...
JASPAR TFBS TFBS predictions for profiles in the JASPAR CORE collections [+] hg19, hg38, ce10, ce11, ci3, dm6, sacCer3, danRer10...
PhyloCSF Evolutionary protein-coding potential as measured by PhyloCSF [+] hg19, hg38, mm10, mm39, galGal4, galGal6, dm6, ce11...
Polytract Repeats Very Short Tandem Repeats (MNR/DNR/TNR) hg38, mm10, rn6, dm6
Principal Splice Isoforms APPRIS Selects a single CDS variant for each gene as the 'PRINCIPAL' isoform based on the range of protein features. [+] hg38, hg19, mm10, danRer10, rn6, susScr3, panTro4, dm6...
ReMap 2022 Regulatory Atlas ERROR: Couldn't open Debug Help mm10, mm39, hg38, hg19, dm6, araTha1
rfam12_ncRNA ERROR: ftp server error on cmd=[] response=[421 There are too many connected users, please try later. ] ftp server error on cmd=[USER anonymous ] response=[] Couldn't open Debug Help hg38, mm10, ce10, galGal4, ci2, danRer7, dm6, sacCer3
UniBind 2021 permissive Hub ERROR: Couldn't open Debug Help [+] hg38, mm10, ce11, dm6, danRer11, spo2, sacCer3, rn6...
UniBind 2021 Robust Hub ERROR: Couldn't open Debug Help [+] hg38, mm10, ce11, dm6, danRer11, sacCer3, rn6, araTha1...

Enter hub URLs below to connect hubs. Hubs connected this way are not accessible to other users by default.

If you wish to share your hub you can create a session link. First, connect the hub and configure the tracks image as desired, then navigate to My Sessions (My Data > My Sessions). The resulting stable link can be added to publications and shared freely. You, as the author, also have the power to update the session contents freely. Alternatively, you may build a link with the hub URL to allow users to retain their browser configuration, connected hubs, and custom tracks.

Contact us if you wish to submit a hub to the list of public hubs.

Display Hub Name Description AssembliesClick to connect and browse directly. Click copy icon to copy URL to clipboard for sharing.
Plants CSHL Biology of Genomes meeting 2013 demonstration assembly hub araTha1, braRap1, ricCom1
Track Collections Track Collections araTha1

Create your own hub

For information on making track hubs, see the following pages:
You may also contact us if you have any issues or questions on hub development.

Check a hub for errors

  Load Example URL
Use the URL bar above to check a hub for errors. This will validate the hub's configuration files, including hub.txt, genomes.txt and trackDb.txt. It will also present a hierarchical tree of tracks with any errors in red. A hub with no errors still shows the tree which can be used to explore the track hierarchy. Hub error checking will always refresh the files and never use our remote file cache (see below).

Enable Genome Browser debugging modes

These apply to all connected hubs. By default, caching is activated and track load times are not shown, but you can change these settings while developing your hub:
File caching: ON  
Current setting: Always cache contents at UCSC. This means that data access is faster, but you cannot see the effect of changes to your files on the Genome Browser for at least 5 minutes.
For custom tracks, this affects only the remote formats (bigBed, bigWig, VCF+tabix, BAM, CRAM, bigPsl, HiC, etc), not text files (BED, VCF, PSL, etc), which are stored at UCSC.
Show load times: OFF  
Current setting: Show no timing measurements.